Moving and Copying Images Between Albums

You can move or copy images between albums by simply dragging and dropping them. You can drag an image between two open albums, between an open album and the Image Explorer, or even between folders in the Image Explorer. Left click on the image, drag it to a new location, and release.

Dragging and dropping an image between albums

As you drop an image into a new location, FotoFinish will ask you whether you want to move or copy the image. Copying will preserve both the original and the new location of the image. Moving an image deletes the image from the old location and preserves only the new location.

Move or copy dialog

You can specify that you want to copy the image Ctrl key as you drag it to the new location. You can turn off the Move File prompt by clicking on Don’t show this prompt. Then, by default, (unless you hold Ctrl) dragging an image will always move it to the new location.